Alley (1947)
In director Edmund Goulding's dark, bleak, fatalistic
and very disturbing noir - it basically told the story of the rise
and precipitous fall of a con-man - an overly-ambitious, cynical
and fake mentalist/spirtualist or clairvoyant. The repulsive tale
of decadence, doom and deception was based upon William Lindsay Gresham's
1946 novel of the same name, with a screenplay by Jules Furthman.
The film featured one of the coldest, most cunning, and calculating
femmes fatales ever on film. [Note: Director Guillermo Del
Toro's remake Nightmare Alley (2021) starred Bradley Cooper
and Cate Blanchett in the two lead roles.]
The sordid yet compelling film, involving lofty ambitions,
trickery and deceptive shakedowns, and double-crosses, failed at
the box-office, mostly because 20th Century Fox studio head Darryl
F. Zanuck hated the film version and took it out of circulation.
The film's super-charged sexuality and adultery (for its time) that
caused the Production Code to order its scandalous content toned
down, was reflected in its tagline:
"He was all things to all men ... but only one
thing to all women!"
- it opened in Burly, TX at one of the traveling Hoatley-Kenny
Carnival's sideshows where handsome Stanton "Stan" Carlisle
(Tyrone Power) was introduced - he was a roustabout drifter who had
been raised in an orphanage before going to reform school. He had
just joined the carnival as one of its hustlers
- Stan was intrigued and fascinated by a performance of The Geek - one of the carnival's
biggest draws. It was presented by the main carnival barker/owner Hoatley (James Flavin)
- "He has puzzled the foremost
scientists of Europe and America. Is he the missing link? Is
he man or beast? Some have pronounced him man. But beneath
that shaggy mane of hair, lies the brain of a beast. Look!
If he should sink his teeth into my arm, nothing on this round,
green earth could save me. Now, folks, it's feeding time"
- Stan watched as the Geek (George Beranger), in front
of the audience (off-screen), bit off the heads of two live chickens

Zeena Krumbein (Joan Blondell) - the Miracle

Drunken Pete (Ian Keith) with Wife Zeena
- next to the Geek exhibit was a fire-breather,
and a Miracle Woman Zeena Krumbein (Joan Blondell), a fortune-teller
whose assistant-husband Pete Krumbein (Ian Keith) was a spent,
over-the-hill drunkard (a "rum-dumb" acc.
to Stan). Zeena watched as Stan stood transfixed by the Geek show.
Her specialty was a phony psychic mind-reading act
- after
the Geek act, Stan asked about becoming a Geek: "How
do you get to be a Geek? Is that the only one? I mean, is a guy born
that way?" He was cautioned to stop asking questions, and pondered
to himself the Geek's degrading state in life: "I can't understand
how anybody could get so low." (The Geek was a crazed, down-and-out
alcoholic bum desperate for work, who took the job in exchange for
a daily bottle of liquor.)
- Stan became Zeena's show announcer and told
her how enthusiastic he was for his new experiences within the carny
world: "I was made for it. I had all kinds of jobs before
this one came along, but none of 'em were anything but jobs. But
this gets me. I like it. All of it. The crowds, the noise, the
idea of keepin' on the move. You see those yokels out there, it
gives you sort of a superior feeling as if you were in the know
and they were on the outside looking in. Kinda hard to explain,
but I like it. I like you too, Zeena"
- after Stan introduced Zeena and collected hand-written
questions from the onlookers, a tricky back stage switch of cards
(with Pete assisting in a lower cubbyhole) allowed Zeena to 'see'
the questions in order to fool the audience

Molly Cahill (Coleen Gray)

Molly with Bruno the Strongman (Mike Mazurki)
- another young and pretty carnival worker was Molly
Cahill (Coleen Gray) - the 'Electric Girl'; she was the girlfriend
of possessive Bruno the Strongman (Mike Mazurki) with a leopard-skin
loincloth; her costume was a flimsy, flesh-colored costume with
static blue fire shoots from her fingers (covering both breasts)
- Molly told Stan that Zeena and Pete were once big-time
vaudeville headliners with another version of their mentalist act
(until Pete became a bottle-hitting drunkard) - and had become
stars through the development of a valuable, secret word code: "They
used a code...A word code between the two of them. Zeena says that
blindfold code is worth its weight in gold....People still offer
them big money for it....Zeena says it's their nest egg."
- while on the road, Stan continued to be intrigued by the code, and manipulatively
suggested to Zeena that she teach him the code - just in case Pete
couldn't continue due to his sickly condition: ("I was thinking
that if Pete got sick or something, why, I could work from the audience
just like he used to. No stage trap, no gypsy switch"), but
Zeena at first declined by describing her intention to be steadfast
and loyal to Pete, but she also admitted: ("I'm about as reliable
as a two-dollar cornet"). Although
Pete's dissipation and downfall to booze had brought them down to
working in the low-life carnival, Zeena wasn't ready to reject Pete
quite yet - until she could raise enough money to send him to rehab: "And
I'm not gonna give up on him. It's the least I can do."
Stan to Zeena: "Let's build up a new act
with it"
- shortly later, Zeena acceded
to Stan's shrewd request-suggestion to share the code so that they
develop a new high-class touring act together: ("Let's build
up a new act with it") - to fund the cost of Pete's cure. They were becoming closer and closer romantically.
Although unsure, Zeena sought advice from a private reading with
her tarot cards - she became alarmed when the cards (a "Death" card
found face-down on the floor and a "Hanged Man" card) portended
Pete's rapid demise and decided to reject becoming Stan's partner:
("It's all off, Stan... Everything...I can't go against the cards")
- Stan was frustrated by her belief in superstitious
magic: "Honest, Zeena, to see a smart girl like you fall for one of your own boob-catchers,
I give up." Then, he admitted his tendency to be selfishly persistent,
and didn't want to make her unhappy - and they kissed
- later, Stan bought a quart of cheap $4 dollar liquor
from moonshiner Charlie (Mike Lally) in one of the carny trailers,
but then accidentally handed an anxious, shaky Pete a similar-looking
bottle of Zeena's wood alcohol from her prop trunk. As he drank and
came out of his stupor, Pete began to describe a vision of a boy
and his dog - a common vision most people had: "A
boy is running barefoot through the hills. A dog is with him... See
how easy it is to hook 'em? Stock reading. Fits everybody. What's
youth? Happy one minute, heartbroken the next. Every boy has a dog"
- Pete's last words were: "Drink a little drink.
Dream and drink. Drink and dream" - before he was found dead
from poisoning the next morning. Stan was devastated by his role
in Pete's death but told no one. A grieving Zeena was regretful that
she hadn't found help for him sooner: "He was a good guy and
a swell trouper. Only last night I made up my mind to put him in a cure."
- soon enough, Stan had memorized
the code and replaced Pete as Zeena's helper during her mentalist
show - and he quickly appeared gifted with the use of memorized verbal
cues. Molly described Stan's code technique to Bruno: "She and
Stan are using a two-person code....Each word stands for a number.
Each number stands for some object...As soon as Stan has more practice,
I think they're going to quit the carnival."
- a rural Marshal (James Burke) threatened to close down the carnival:
("They say you've got an illegal performance going
on here with cruelty to human beings and feeding live chickens");
he was determined to arrest the Geek and owner Hoatley, and also
Molly for "indecent exposure," but Stan put his mind-reading strategy into action.
Molly's "Indecent Exposure" Electric
Girl Act
- after a demonstration of Molly's need for a thin
and revealing costume during her 'electrical' act, Stan performed
some sleight-of-hand tricks and used his gifted powers - known
as "second sight" - to inform the Marshal that he saw jealous, malicious
and "antagonistic influences"
surrounding him in his hayseed town - but that he was saved by the
power of a "fine woman's love." He convinced the Marshal
to depart with religion-talk, and without any animosity toward the
carnival: ("Repay evil with good. Love your neighbor. Do not hate
your enemies. Forgive them. They just don't know what they're doing.
Don't forget to err is human, to forgive - divine. Good-bye now")
The Seductive and Charismatic Stan Kissing Molly
to Convince Her of His Love
- seduced and overwhelmed by Stan's charm in saving
the carnival, an exhilarated and thankful Molly kissed Stan twice,
but then she worried that they were betraying Zeena. The charismatic
shyster soothed her worries and explained how Zeena and he were only
friends - he boldly lied to her in order to have her for himself
- and she was completely convinced: "Zeena
and I are just friends, that's all...I've only been kidding her
along on account of the code...I can hardly stand to be in the same
room with her ever since Pete died....I haven't been alone with her
for 10 seconds. Listen baby, all I want is that code. I'm telling you true."
- at Lem's Place in town where
the two met up with the carnival troupe, Zeena greeted Stan and congratulated
him for being a "born mentalist," and everyone seemed relieved, but then
Stan and the younger naive Molly were suspected of having slipped
away to have sex. Bruno, Zeena and the others (Bruno: "Molly,
you and Stan gonna get married?") reviled Stan and persuasively
forced him, helped by a choke-hold - to have a shotgun marriage to
- an opportunity now arose for Stan to reinvent himself
with his young bride (who knew the code game) to go on the road performing
together with the mentalist show. Stan appeared exhuberant: "Maybe
it's the best thing that could have happened...We'll show 'em...I've
never been so tickled in my life...Baby, there's only one thing I'm
sorry about....That I didn't think of this sooner."
- performing with Molly, Stan
headlined as "The Great Stanton" at an
exclusive nightclub (The Spode Room) in the Chicago-area's Hotel
Sherman and they became a solid hit.
After 8 weeks, one of their show's attendees was consulting psychologist
Lilith Ritter (Helen Walker) who was extremely skeptical of Stanton's
question-answering charade. To outwit him, she tested him with the
unanswerable trick question: "Do you think my mother will recover
from her present illness?" He answered correctly that her mother
was deceased. She was visibly but quietly impressed - and invited
him (via a note written offscreen) to her Lakeshore Building business office
- during their visit together, Stan admitted
that her question wasn't "on the level" and was intended to make
a "chump" out of him. He confronted her: "What's on your mind, lady? What
are you up to?" - and with steely eyes, she replied: "Don't
worry, Carlisle. I never make the same mistake twice." He quipped: "Me
Steely-Eyed Femme Fatale Lilith Ritter
in Her Office With Stan
- they were unexpectedly interrupted by wealthy, elderly
Chicago socialite Mrs. Addie Peabody (Julia Dean), one of her regular
patients. With Stan out of the office in a back room, Mrs. Peabody's
therapeutic treatment session regarding her deceased daughter Carol
was secretly recorded
- when Stan appeared back
in her dark office (immediately after the session), he noted that
she was secretly recording the interview-sessions of all her wealthy,
high-class patients. Sensing that she was a kindred spirit, he suggested
a pecuniary, deceitful scheme to illegally use the information from
her recordings to make money off her elite clientele - for either
blackmail purposes, or to channel their dead relatives: ("I
wanted to get a line on you. Maybe we can do a little business
after all....You don't realize what you've got here. We could set
this town on its ear")
- he had a "hunch" that
she was going to first suggest the scheme to him, but she denied
the accusation.
- Lilith claimed that the potentially-sensitive recordings
were only for her "personal study" and were considered
very "sacred" and private. She threatened him if he was ever to
divulge her practice of recording patients, and then promptly threw
him out: (Lilith: "Will you get out
of here. I should have known you were that kind of..." Stan: "Uh-uh.
It takes one to catch one." Lilith: "Get out!")
- later following one night's performance, Zeena and Bruno visited Stan and
Molly in their hotel suite and congratulated them on their continued
success; Zeena referred to her tarot cards for consultation - she
predicted that Molly wouldn't have children in the year, but if
Stan changed and tried a "new stunt" that would send
him "to the top like a skyrocket," it would also end up
to be a disaster just like Pete's downfall; it was confirmed when
Molly turned over "THE HANGED MAN" card (the same as Pete's card)
- although Stan called Zeena's
magic a "pack of gypsy cards," he believed in the portend. He ordered them out,
calling them "a couple of cheap carnival freaks." During
a massage rub-down after they left, Stan's memory of Pete's death
was triggered by the smell of alcohol, and he freaked out.
- Stan rushed to phone Lilith (at her Belmont Apartments residence), and
met with her into the early morning hours. Not realizing he was being
recorded (as all her patients were), he described how his stomach
was turned "inside out" over giving Pete a
fatal bottle of wood alcohol; she diagnosed his memory as "total
recall" and explained it was his guilty feelings coming out regarding his role
in Pete's death: "I think you're a perfectly
normal human being. Selfish and ruthless when you want something, generous
and kindly when you've got it. Although Pete died as a result of an
accident, you naturally felt a sense of guilt because you profited
by it"
- he complimented her for helping
him (services were offered free as a "professional courtesy"): "I
figured that if anyone was gonna help me, it'd have to be somebody
like you." Despite Zeena's earlier warning, Stan was determined to embark upon the big-time
with what he termed "the spook racket." He boasted: "I
was made for it."
- during another show performance,
Stan unethically used what he knew of Lilith's recording of her private
session with Mrs. Peabody to accurately answer her question about
seeing her 16 year-old dead daughter Caroline again "beyond
the grave" - then, he went into a trance before he fainted. Following Stan's amazing
display of spiritualist powers, there were differences of opinion
- did he have true powers or was he a trickster?
- the normally level-headed Mrs. Peabody conferred with skeptical Ezra
Grindle (Taylor Holmes), her late husband's friend, to propose supporting
Stan's powers to bring "spiritual comfort"
to others. Lilith conspired and teamed up with Stan by providing him
with recording information about Grindle. Swayed by Stan's abilities,
Grindle (who originallly wished to expose Stan's trickery) offered
him $150,000 in cash for the construction of a brand-new tabernacle
and a radio station (the funds would be held by Lilith), in exchange
for "spiritual communion" with his lost sweetheart Dorrie from 35 years earlier
- Stan explained his convincing conversations
with Grindle to Lilith - and told her that they shouldn't be seen
together: "We don't wanna take any chances. This thing's too big. I'm surprised
a smart cookie like you... Supposing somebody saw us together and
Grindle found out about it. Then where would we be?"
- after Lilith had acquired old photos of Grindle
with Dorrie, in a twisted love triangle with his gullible wife
Molly, Stan persuaded Molly to be in on his
scheming "subterfuge"
by masquerading as the 'materialization' of the ghostly spirit of Grindle's
dead love. At first, she cried out: "I knew it...You never were
on the level. You lied to me. Zeena was right." She threatened
to walk out on him: "You've got to stop it," and told him: "Well,
you're going against God....Everything you say and do is so true
and wonderful, and you make it sound so sacred and holy, when all
the time it's just a gag with you. You're just laughing your head
off at those chumps. You think God's gonna stand for that? Do you
want him to strike you dead? You can't do it, Stan. Nobody's ever done
it. Never!"
Molly's Resistance to Stan's Mentalist and Show-Biz
Schemes - She Turned Away From Him
- although Stan argued back: "There's
no difference between this and mentalism. It's just another angle
of show business," she insisted:
"You're not talking to one of your chumps. You're talking to your
wife. You're talking to somebody who knows you red, white and blue.
And you can't fool me anymore. There's only one way I can stop you
from doing this thing, and that's to leave you." Nonetheless,
he convinced her to remain to complete the ultimate trick: "I'm
no good. I never pretended to be. But I love you. I'm a hustler.
I've always been one. But I love you. I may be the thief of the world,
but with you I've always been on the level."
- in a secluded garden area at the Grindle's estate one evening, Stan
met with Grindle to channel his dead love Dorrie. As the anguished
and distraught Grindle saw Dorrie in the distance and begged for
her forgiveness (had he caused her death?), Molly broke out of character,
rushed forward, and revealed she was faking the illusion of Dorrie;
Grindle realized he had been swindled by the charade and attacked
Stan: ("Fake! You crook! You dirty, sacrilegious
thief!"); Stan reacted by pushing Grindle onto the ground.
- as they drove away, Molly was instructed to pack their things at the
motel and rendezvous later at the Inglewood train station, without
going back to the hotel. Stan also met with Lilith and described
their failed plan: ("There he was on his knees, I had all that
dough right in my hand and she has to go and blow her top")
- Lilith gave Stan an envelope with the cash,
and encouraged him to flee and not contact her: ("Don't try
to get in touch with me under any circumstances"). On the
way to the station in a cab, Stan opened the envelope - Lilith
had replaced the $150,000 with single $1 dollar bills ($150 dollars)
- and realized he had also been conned. He turned the taxi around
and returned to confront Lilith - via her fire escape
- Stan grabbed her in her bed and accused her of duplicity: ("You're
good. You're awful good. Just about the best I ever saw!").
In a cunning way, she treated him as one of her disturbed, delusional
and mentally-unbalanced patients that she had failed to cure. She
threatened that if he accused her of complicity, she would play the
recording of his confession regarding Pete's death. She transferred
all the guilt between them onto him:"Since
I've been your counselor, you've made a strange transference to me.
You see me as a confederate who's cheated you...Really, Mr. Carlisle,
I hate to say this to you, but you simply must have hospital care"

Hearing Police Sirens ?
Realizing Lilith's Cunning Trickery
- realizing that he was had,
and that Lilith was offering to have him committed or taken to
the hospital, he then believed her and actually thought he was
hallucinating and delusional when he heard police sirens; he
fled to the train station where he admitted to Molly that Zeena's
fortune for him came true: "Zeena wasn't
so far off after all." He protectively gave Molly the $150 dollars,
and ordered her to somehow return to the carnival in Galesburg, IL
before the train pulled away without him; as he walked away, he noticed
the latest Chicago Gazette newspaper headlines: "POLICE

News Headlines

Stan Accepting Carnival Job as a Geek

Molly Promising to Care For Stan
- Stan's fortunes and career were destroyed - he became
a vagrant hobo similar to Pete, living in cheap hotel rooms, drinking
heavily, and telling the fortunes and mind-reading for other poor
forgotten men. He admitted he was a con man after telling Pete's
man and dog story:
"Hey, you see how easy it is to hook 'em? Stock reading, fits
anybody. Never misses."
- he sought work in the local carnival from the new owner McGraw (Roy Roberts), but
was refused work because he was an obvious "boozer" -
but then after begging, he was offered the exploitative job of Geek,
in exchange for room and board - and drink: "And we'll keep
you in coffee and cakes. Bottle every day. Place to sleep it off
in." Stan gladly accepted: "Mister, I was made for it!"
- unbeknownst
to him, Molly was working in the carnival and found Stan who had "gone nuts" and was in a combative,
alcoholic daze - she devotedly promised to care for him ("Everything's
gonna be all right now. I'll look after you") as Zeena had done for Pete
- in the unhappy yet fitting ending for Stan, carnival
owner McGraw provided the moral of the story: (McGraw: "I
never recognized him. Stanton. Stanton the Great." Roustabout
(Frank J. Scannell): "How can a guy get so low?" McGraw: "He
reached too high.")

The Carnival's Main Entrance

The Geek Sideshow

Transfixed by the Geek Show - Stanton "Stan" Carlisle
(Tyrone Power)

Stan Asking Owner Hoatley: "How do you get to be a Geek?"

Stan - The Announcer for Zeena's Act

Zeena's Phony Mind-Reading Act

On the Road with Zeena - Stan Asked About Secret Code (Zeena:
"I'm about as reliable as a two-dollar cornet")

Pete's Drunken Dissipated State

Zeena - Frustrated by Pete's Alcoholism

Zeena's Tarot Card Reading - Bad Fortunes Ahead For Her Husband Pete and For
Them (The "Death" and "The Hanged Man" Card)

Beginnings of Stan's Romantic Relationship with Zeena

Pete's Drunken Monologue Before His Death

Molly's Description of Stan's Code Trickery to Bruno

Stan's Smooth-Talking of the Marshal

Strong-man Bruno With a Choke-Hold on Stan - Forcing Stan to Marry Molly After
Seducing Her

"The Great Stanton" Show in Chicago

Lilith Ritter (Helen Walker) - Asking a Question at Stan's Nightclub Show

Stan's Proposed Deceitful Scheme to Lilith - Use Her Private Recordings to Bilk
Her Rich Clients

Zeena's 2nd Tarot Card Prediction of Disaster (The Same as Pete's Fate)

Stan's Consultation with Lilith About Pete's Death

Question to Stan From Mrs. Peabody in the Audience

Stan Conspiring with Lilith to Keep Their Association a Secret

'Dorrie's' (Molly's) Spiritual Appearance to Ezra Grindle

Molly Ending the Fraudulent Illusion with Grindle

Retrieving the Cash Envelope From Lilith

Returning to Lilith to Confront Her For Conning Him Out of $150,000

Train Station Farewell to Molly