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The King and I (1956) | |
Plot Synopsis (continued)
To provide theatrical entertainment for the guests, Tuptim narrated her seditious version of Harriet Beecher Stowe's controversial, anti-slavery novel Uncle Tom's Cabin, known as The Small House of Uncle Thomas - it was presented as a traditional Siamese ballet (performed as a "play within a play"). Characters in the retelling included "Poor Eliza Poor unfortunate slave, Eliza's lord and master: King Simon of Legree. She hates her lord and master and fears him."
When the play was almost over, narrator Tuptim left her seat and added her own personal assessment. She identified with the story as a slave who was held away from her lover against her will: "... I too am glad for death of king. Of any king who pursue a slave who is unhappy and who tried to escape. And Your Majesty, I wish to say to you: I beg of you!" Her words were interpreted as a personal affront to the King. To silence her, the King snapped his fingers at her to force her to end the performance.
When the interpretive ballet ended, there was wild applause from the guests, although the King (and the Kralahome) were perturbed by the underlying anti-slavery message threatening their power. The Ambassador called for special attention to be awarded to the "Author," but when the camera panned to the right, Tuptim's chair was empty - with a chaba flower. Tuptim had disappeared as the play ended, to run away from her own enslavement to join her lover Lun Tha. The King's Misogynistic Ideas About Women and Romance: After the departure of the British, the King was still seated at the banquet table, eating with chopsticks and criticizing the use of a fork ("Fork is a foolhardy instrument. You pick up food, and it leaks"). Anna entered and complimented him on his dinner conversation as "amusing," and assured the King that "a glowing report" would be sent to Queen Victoria. In appreciation for her help, he offered her one of his rings, and she was speechless. Although everything between them seemed to be "going well," he disagreed with her assessment of Tuptim's play, and was very displeased:
His intention was to find Tuptim and punish her: "It is believed she hides somewhere in palace to escape King's anger." He couldn't understand why she would be unhappy in his luxurious palace. Anna explained how Tuptim was unhappy because she wasn't his one and unique lover: "Oh, but Your Majesty, of what interest to you is one girl like Tuptim? In your household, she is just another woman. As a bowl of rice is just another bowl of rice, no different from any other bowl of rice." He sarcastically and summarily disapproved of her Western cultural assertions: "Now you understand about women. So many English books I read introduce strange idea of love, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. Ha!" Anna challenged the misogynistic King's powerful sense of entitlement to possessively keep multiple women in his harem. She was especially upset about his illogical claim that women were naturally expected to please men and to remain faithful, but men could be rampant and promiscuous philanderers. The King regarded men who remained faithful to one woman as "sick." Anna, on the other hand, believed in the Western practice of single-partner monogamy:
She recalled the exciting thrill of her first dance as a young girl when she was asked by a man to join him on the dance floor: "When you're young at your first dance and you're sitting on a small gilt chair with your eyes lowered, terrified that you'll be a wallflower. And suddenly you see two black shoes, a white waistcoat, a face. It speaks." In an iconic, joyous dance segment, Anna taught the barefooted monarch how to polka, and they happily swirled around the room while singing: "Shall We Dance?" (Lyrics: "Shall we dance? On a bright cloud of music Shall we fly? Shall we dance? Shall we then say good night And mean goodbye? Or perchance When the last little star Has left the sky Shall we still be together With our arms around each other? And shall you be my new romance?...") Tuptim's Dishonor and Punishment: They were interrupted by the Kralahome who disrupted their dance with news of the capture of Tuptim, who was being questioned by "secret police." Her lover, who was planning to run away with her, hadn't been caught yet. For her "dishonor," the King prepared for her punishment - a severe whipping: "I shall do what is usually done in such event." Tuptim rushed into the room to beg for the King's and Anna's mercy. As Tuptim was about to be struck with a whip, a concerned Anna yelled out that the King had no heart and was incapable of loving anyone:
The King ignored Anna's strong implications and grabbed the whip to personally punish the girl: "I will show you. Give me." Anna was shocked: "I cannot believe you will do this dreadful thing!" The King asserted that he would: 'You don't believe, huh? Maybe you'll believe when you hear her screams as you run from here." Anna decided to stand her ground and remain to watch: ("I am not going to run. I am going to stand here and watch you"). Then, she called him a "barbarian." The King ordered Tuptim held and spread-eagled on the floor ("Down, down, down!"), and then stood over her to assert his power while wielding a whip:
But then, as the King was about to strike, he crumpled over, grabbed his chest and raced from the room. Then, a report arrived that the body of Tuptim's lover was found in a river, and Tuptim reacted in shock and was led away in tears. Anna exclaimed to the Kralahome: "I don't understand you, not you or your king. I'll never understand him." The Prime Minister blamed Anna for destroying the King and his reputation:
Anna returned the King's gift of a ring, cut off all of her responsibilities as a governess, and declared that she would be leaving on the next boat out of Siam with her son Louis. The King on His Deathbed and His Farewell to Anna: A few weeks later, Anna's bags were entirely packed and were being transported to a boat for her imminent departure from Siam. Lady Thiang came to Anna's quarters with news that the King was dying: ("I come for one who must see you quickly....he is dying!"). Anna asked about the circumstances and was told that the despairing King had completely isolated himself, shut himself away in disgrace, and starved himself since the banquet:
The heir to the throne, the Prince expressed his fears to Anna of his father's death, and his ascension to the Kingship: "I am frightened because I love my father and also because if he dies, I shall be king. And I do not know how to be." Lady Thiang brought an unfinished letter from the King that he had struggled to write when he learned of her departure. Anna read the letter out-loud in the Prince's presence - it expressed the King's deep gratitude and respect although they often clashed over major differences:
Moved by the letter, Anna became tearful and decided to visit the King at his bedside before departing. After Louis asked if they were now friends, she told him:
In the King's emotional deathbed scene, he shared how the people of Siam and the children would miss her very much. He also joked with her that her head was higher than his. He returned the ring that she had given back and insisted that she wear it, before his many children were brought in to surround him. One young Princess recited a memorized message about how Anna would leave them in darkness without her instruction:
When their sailing ship's horn was heard, Anna instructed Louis: "Run down to the boat and ask Captain Orton to take our things off and send them back." The children cheered her decision to stay. Anna had made a promise to remain in Bangkok to provide guidance for the future king. King Mongkut gestured to Prince Chulalongkorn that he was now the next King, and then asked him what he would do: "Well, suppose you are king. Is there nothing you would do?" The newly-appointed young Prince issued two proclamations to his subjects, including that he no longer would require bowing before the King. During his pronouncements, he became more resolute in his voice, as the King quietly expired nearby:
In the film's final moment, Anna placed her face next to the King's limp left hand following his death. |