100 Years of Memorable Movie
Title Screens: 1979

The Actress, the Dollars and the Transylvanians (1979,
Romania) (aka Artista, Dolarii şi

Adventures of the Wilderness Family 3 (1979) (aka Mountain Family Robinson)

L'Adolescente (1979, Fr./W.Germ.) (aka The Adolescent)

Agatha (1979, UK)

Alien (1979)

All That Jazz (1979)

An Almost Perfect Affair (1979)

An American Christmas Carol (1979) (TV)

Americathon (1979)

The Amityville Horror (1979)

...And Justice For All (1979)

Anti-Clock (1979, UK)

Apocalypse Now (1979)

Apocalypse Now Redux (2001)

The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again (1979)

Arabian Adventure (1979, UK)

Ashanti (1979, Fr.)

Autumn Marathon (1979, Soviet Union) (aka Осенний марафон)

Avalanche Express (1979)

Baby Snakes (1979)

Bear Island (1979)

Behind the Iron Mask (1979, Austria/W.Germ.) (aka The Fifth Musketeer)

Being There (1979)

The Bell Jar (1979)

Beneath the Valley of the UltraVIXENS (1979)

The Bermuda Triangle (1979)

Beyond the Darkness (1979, It.) (aka Buio Omega)

Beyond the Poseidon Adventure (1979)

Birth of the Beatles (1979)

The Bitch (1979, UK)

The Black Hole (1979)

The Black Stallion (1979)

(Sidney Sheldon's) Bloodline (1979, US/W.Germ.)

Boardwalk (1979)

Boulevard Nights (1979)

Breaking Away (1979)

Breakthrough (1979, W.Germ.) (aka Steiner - Das Eiserne Kreuz, 2.

Les Bronzés Font du Ski (aka French Fried Vacation 2)

The Brood (1979, Canada)

Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (1979)

Budo: The Art of Killing (1979, Jp.) (aka Budo)

Budo: The Art of Killing (1979, Jp.) (aka Budo)

Buffet Froid (1979, Fr.)
The Bugs Bunny Road-Runner Movie (1979)

Butch and Sundance: The Early Days (1979)

The Butterfly Murders (1979, HK) (aka Die Bian)

California Dreaming (1979)
Caligula (1979, It./US)

Camera Buff (1979, Poland) (aka Amator)

The Castle of Cagliostro (1979, Jp.) (aka Rupan Sansei: Kariosutoro
no Shiro)

The Champ (1979)

The China Syndrome (1979)

C.H.O.M.P.S. (1979)

Christ Stopped at Eboli (1979, It./Fr.) (aka Cristo si è Fermato
a Eboli)

City on Fire (1979, Can/US)

The Concorde...Airport '79 (1979)

Cuba (1979)

The Dark (1979) (aka The Mutilator)

The Day It Came to Earth (1979)

The Day Time Ended (1979)

The Dead Mountaineer Hotel (1979, Soviet Union/Estonia) (aka 'Hukkunud Alpinisti'

Derek and Clive Get the Horn (1979, UK)

Dirty Ho (1979, HK) (aka Lan tou He)

Disco Godfather (1979)

Don Giovanni (1979, It./Fr./UK/W.Germ.)

Don't Go In the House (1979)

The Double McGuffin (1979)

Dracula (1979)

Dragon Fist (1979, HK/Taiwan) (aka Long Quan)

Dreamer (1979)

Ekipazh (1979, Soviet Union) (aka Air Crew)

The Electric Horseman (1979)

Elvis (1979) (TV)

Escape From Alcatraz (1979)

Escape to Athena (1979, UK)

The Europeans (1979, UK)

The Evictors (1979)

Fast Break (1979)

Fast Company (1979, Canada)

ffolkes (1979, UK) (aka North Sea Hijack)

The Fifth Musketeer (1979, Austria/W.Germ.) (aka Behind the Iron Mask, or The
5th Musketeer)

Firepower (1979, UK)

The Fish That Saved Pittsburgh (1979)

A Force of One (1979)

The Frisco Kid (1979)

Gas Pump Girls (1979)

Going in Style (1979)

Goldengirl (1979)

Good Riddance (1979, Canada) (aka Les Bons Débarras)

The Great Alligator (1979, It.) (aka Il Fiume Del Grande Caimano)

The Great American Girl Robbery (1979) (aka Cheerleaders' Wild Weekend)

The Great Riviera Bank Robbery (1979, UK)

The Great Santini (1979)

Hair (1979)

Hanover Street (1979, UK)
Hardcore (1979)

Heartland (1979)

H.O.T.S. (1979)

Hot Stuff (1979)

The Human Factor (1979, UK)

Hurricane (1979)

The Hussy (1979, Fr.) (aka La Drôlesse)

I As in Icarus (1979, Fr.) (aka I... Comme Icare)

The In-Laws (1979)

Jaguar (1979, Philippines)

Jaguar Lives! (1979, Sp./US)

The Jerk (1979)

The Jesus Film (1979, Australia/US/UK) (aka Jesus)

Joni (1979)

Just You and Me, Kid (1979)

The Kids Are Alright (1979, UK)

King Frat (1979)

King Solomon's Treasure (1979)

Knockabout (1979, HK) (aka Za jia xiao zi)

Kramer vs. Kramer (1979)

The Lady in Red (1979)

Lady Oscar (1979, Fr./Jp.)

The Lady Vanishes (1979, UK)

Last Embrace (1979)

The Last of the Knucklemen (1979, Australia)

A Little Romance (1979, Fr./US)

Lost and Found (1979)

Love and Bullets (1979, UK)

Love At First Bite (1979)

Love on the Run (1979, Fr.) (aka L'Amour En Fuite)

Lovers and Liars (1979, It./Fr.) (aka Viaggio con Anita, or Voyage with Anita)

La Luna (1979, It./US) (aka Luna)

Mad Max (1979, Australia)

The Magician of Lublin (1979, Israel/W.Germ.)

The Magnificent Butcher (1979, HK) (aka Lin Shi Rong)

The Main Event (1979)

Malibu High (1979)

Mamá Cumple 100 Años (1979, Sp.) (aka Mama Turns 100)

Manaos (1979, Sp./It./Mex.) (aka Slaves From Prison Camp Manaos)
Manhattan (1979)

A Man, a Woman and a Bank (1979, Canada)

The Marriage of Maria Braun (1979, W. Germ.) (aka Die Ehe der Maria
Meatballs (1979)

Meetings with Remarkable Men (1979, UK)

Meteor (1979)

(Monty Python's) Life of Brian (1979, UK)

(Monty Python's) Life of Brian (1979, UK)

Moonraker (1979)

More American Graffiti (1979)

Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears (1979, Soviet Union) (aka Москва слезам не верит,
or Moskva Slezam ne Verit)

Mr. Mike's Mondo Video (1979)

The Muppet Movie (1979)

Murder By Decree (1979, UK/Can.)

My Brilliant Career (1979, Australia)

Nightwing (1979)
1941 (1979)
Norma Rae (1979)

The North Avenue Irregulars (1979)

North Dallas Forty (1979)

Nosferatu the Vampyre (aka Phantom der Nacht) (1979,
W. Germ.)

The Odd Angry Shot (1979, Australia)

Odd Couple (1979, HK) (aka Bo ming chan dao duo ming qiang)

The Onion Field (1979)

Over the Edge (1979)

Parts: The Clonus Horror (1979)

The Passage (1979, UK)

A Perfect Couple (1979)

Les Petites Fugues (1979, Switzgerald) (aka The Little Fugitives)

Phantasm (1979)

The Plank (1979, UK) (TV)

Pleasure Shop on 7th Avenue (1979, It.) (aka Il Porno Shop Della Settima Strada)

The Plumber (1979, Australia)

Prince Nezha Conquers the Dragon King (1979, China) (aka Nezha nao

The Prisoner of Zenda (1979)

Private Collections (1979, Fr./Jp.) (aka Collections Privées)

Promises in the Dark (1979)

Prophecy (1979)

Quadrophenia (1979, UK)

Quintet (1979)

Racquet (1979)

Ravagers (1979)
Real Life (1979)

Return of the Secaucus Seven (1979)

Rich Kids (1979)

Richard Pryor Live in Concert (1979)

The Riddle of the Sands (1979, UK)

Rock 'N' Roll High School (1979)

Rocky II (1979)

Rocky II (1979)

Rocky II (1979)

Roller Boogie (1979)

The Rose (1979)

Running (1979)

Saint Jack (1979)

Salem's Lot (1979) (TV Mini-Series)

Savage Hunt of King Stakh (1979, Soviet Union) (aka Dikaya Okhota Korolya Stakha)

Scavenger Hunt (1979)

Screamers (1979, It.) (aka L'Isola Degli Uomini Pesce)

Screams of a Winter Night (1979)

Scum (1979, UK)

The Seduction of Joe Tynan (1979)

A Sense of Freedom (1979, UK)

Série Noire (1979, Fr.) (aka Black Series)

(H.G. Wells') The Shape of Things to Come (1979, Canada)

Siberiade (1979, Soviet Union) (aka Сибириада)

The Silent Scream (1979)

Sisters, or the Balance of Happiness (1979, W.Germ.) (aka Schwestern
oder Die Balance des Glücks)

Skatetown, U.S.A. (1979)

Spree (1979, Mex./US) (aka Survival Run)

Stalker (1979, USSR) (aka Сталкер)

Star Odyssey (1979, It.) (aka Sette uomini d'oro nello spazio, or Seven Gold
Men in Space)

Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)

Starting Over (1979)

Steel (1979)

Stone Cold Dead (1979, Canada)

Sunburn (1979, UK/US)

Take Down (1979)

Tale of Tales (1979, Soviet Union) (aka Сказка сказок,
or Skazka skazok)

Tarka the Otter (1979, UK)

(William Shakespeare's) The Tempest (1979, UK)

"10" (1979)

Terror Express (1979, It.) (aka La Ragazza Del Vagone Letto)

Tess (1979, Fr./UK)

That Sinking Feeling (1979, UK)

The Third Generation (1979, W.Germ.) (aka Die Dritte Generation)

Thirst (1979, Australia)

(Rudy Durand's) Tilt (1979)

Tim (1979, Australia)

Time After Time (1979)
The Tin Drum (1979, W. Germ.) (aka Die Blechtrommel)

To Forget Venice (1979, It.) (aka Dimenticare Venezia)

Tourist Trap (1979)

The Two Worlds of Jennie Logan (1979) (TV)

Unidentified Flying Oddball (1979)

Up From the Depths (1979)

Van Nuys Blvd. (1979)

Vengeance Is Mine (1979, Jp.) (aka Fukushū Suru Wa Ware Ni Ari)

The Villain (1979) (aka Cactus Jack)

The Visitor (1979, It./US) (aka Stridulum, or Il Visitatore)

Voices (1979)

Walk Proud (1979)

Wanda Nevada (1979)

The Wanderers (1979)

The Warriors (1979)

When a Stranger Calls (1979)

Winter Kills (1979)

(John Huston's) Wise Blood (1979, US/W.Germ.)

Woman In a Twilight Garden (1979, Belg./Fr.) (aka Een vrouw tussen
hond en wolf, or Woman Between Wolf and Dog)

Woyzeck (1979, W.Germ.)

Yanks (1979)

Yanks (1979)

Yanks (1979)

Zombie (1979, It.) (aka Zombi 2)

Zulu Dawn (1979, US/S.Afr./Neth.)